Where to Look for Jobs?

Where to Look for Jobs?
Where to Look for Jobs?

Starting a new job search can be overwhelming. With so many places to look for jobs, it’s hard to know where to start. In this post, I’ll go over the best places to search for jobs so you can find the perfect position.

Online Job Boards

Online job boards are websites that post available jobs. They allow you to search through thousands of openings in one place. Here are some of the top sites to check out:

  • PakJobSolution: This site lists jobs in all industries across Pakistan. You can search by keyword, location, job type and more.
  • Monster: Monster has job listings for full-time, part-time, internship and remote work. You can even get job alerts emailed right to your inbox.
  • Indeed: Indeed is one of the most popular online job sites. It pulls listings from tons of company websites and job boards.
  • LinkedIn Jobs: LinkedIn’s job board has openings listed by your connections and companies you follow. It also shows jobs matched to your profile and resume.

When searching on job boards, try different keywords related to the type of job you want. For example, “remote customer service” or “entry-level nursing jobs.” This will pull up more targeted results.

Company Career Sites

Another great place to find openings is directly on company websites. Many have a Careers or Jobs page where they post positions.

  • Search for companies you’re interested in and look for the Careers link.
  • Browse their open positions and apply online.
  • Some sites let you set up job alerts to get notifications when new roles are posted.

Searching company sites is smart because you can learn about their culture and values in the process. You can get a feel for whether it would be a good fit.

Social Media Sites

Here are some top social media platforms that can help in your job search:

  • LinkedIn: Beyond their job board, LinkedIn is great for connecting with professionals in your desired field. You can join industry-specific groups and follow companies to find openings.
  • Facebook: Follow companies and professional associations on Facebook to see job ads. You can also join career-focused Facebook groups to network.
  • Twitter: Follow companies you’re interested in and turn on notifications so you’ll be alerted when they tweet about jobs. Search relevant hashtags like #jobsearch to find prospects.
  • Instagram: Companies often post openings on Instagram too. Look through their feed or Stories for career ads.

Professional Associations

Joining an industry group or professional association can expand your network. Many provide job boards where members can post resumes and search listings.

  • Do some research to find associations related to your field. For example, healthcare, tech, engineering, business, etc.
  • Browse their site to see if they offer job search resources for members.
  • Attend local chapter meetings to connect with others in your profession.

Newspaper Classifieds

Believe it or not, the newspaper still has plenty of job ads! Here are some tips for checking the classifieds:

  • Buy a local newspaper and flip straight to the jobs section.
  • Search online versions of newspaper classifieds too.
  • Check listings on Sunday when most papers have expanded job ads.
  • Search by category if possible, like “accounting,” “healthcare,” etc.

While newspaper ads are declining, they can still be a good resource depending on your location and industry. It never hurts to cast a wide net in your search!

Job Fairs and Events

Attending local career fairs is a great way to network face-to-face with recruiters.

  • Search online for upcoming fairs near you. Many are free and open to the public.
  • Bring copies of your resume and dress professionally.
  • Talk to company reps and ask about open positions.
  • Collect business cards and follow up with recruiters after.

You can also look for industry conferences, networking meetups and hiring events. These let you connect directly with potential employers.

Staffing Agencies

Staffing agencies work with all types of companies to fill temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire roles.

  • Search for staffing agencies in your city that fill jobs related to your background.
  • Browse openings on their site and submit your resume.
  • Or visit in-person and interview with a recruiter.
  • Temping is a good way to gain experience and get your foot in the door.

The right staffing agency has connections at many local businesses. They can match you with the perfect fit.

Ask Around

Don’t forget to tap into your personal network during your job search.

  • Let friends, family, former colleagues and acquaintances know you’re looking.
  • Ask if they know of any openings that would be a good match.
  • Stay in touch with connections on LinkedIn. You never know who might come across the perfect opening for you.

Searching for jobs really takes a multi-pronged approach. You need to leverage online and in-person resources. Combining job boards, social media, career sites, associations, events and networking is key.

The most important thing is to stay persistent. Finding the right job takes time. Try to apply to several new roles per week. And follow up with every recruiter and connection.

With a focused, proactive approach, you’ll be able to uncover exciting new job opportunities. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while. Your next great job is out there waiting for you!